We recommend that the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development develop and implement a quality review process at the headquarters level to ensure consistent compliance with its policy for risk analysis, to include but not be limited to reviewing supporting documentation for conclusions drawn.
Publication Report
2017-FW-0001 | Julio 10, 2017
HUD’s Monitoring of State CDBG
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Community Planning and Development’s (CPD) risk assessment and monitoring of its State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) recipients. We started this... másRelated Recommendations
Community Planning and Development
Closed on Enero 14, 2021
SummaryWe recommend that the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, develop and implement a policy requiring field offices to rate grantees of at least medium risk that have not been monitored in their respective program area within the last 3 years on factors that require assessments of capacity, program complexity, and monitoring findings resulting in repayment or grant reductions.
Closed on Enero 14, 2021
SummaryWe recommend that the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, develop and implement guidance for field offices to maintain supporting documentation in their official files with an adequate explanation of procedures performed to verify risk scores assigned, which could include upgrading CPD’s systems to allow for the attachment of supporting documentation for risk analyses.
- Summary
We recommend that the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, develop and implement a quality control review process at the headquarters level to ensure compliance with monitoring requirements for reports and exhibits, to include but not be limited to explaining procedures performed and adequately explaining and providing supporting documentation for conclusions drawn.
Closed on Junio 28, 2018
SummaryWe recommend that the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, require field offices to upload referenced supporting documentation into CPD’s system for findings and concerns developed during the monitoring review.
Closed on Enero 14, 2021
SummaryWe recommend that the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, update exhibits to require staff to document procedures performed, provide sufficient explanation to verify procedures performed and conclusions drawn, and reference appropriate supporting documentation.