Title | Announced | Priority Area | Program Area | State |
U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint Processing | 02/2024 | Promoting Integrity and Efficiency in HUD's Operations | Office of Administration | All |
The Office of Evaluation is initiating an evaluation of the timeliness of the Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity's (ODEEO) equal employment opportunity (EEO) complaint-handling process between fiscal years (FY) 2017 and 2023. The evaluation will focus on ODEEO’s EEO investigations and final agency decisions from FY 2017-2023. The objectives for this evaluation are (1) to determine factors affecting the timeliness of ODEEO's EEO complaint process, and (2) to determine how ODEEO can address any identified factors affecting the timeliness of the EEO complaint.