Develop and issue a departmentwide policy that notes that radon is a radioactive substance and outlines HUD's requirements to test for and mitigate excessive radon levels in accordance with 24 CFR 50.3(i)(1) and 58.5(i)(2)(i).
Publication Report
2020-OE-0003 | April 12, 2021
HUD Program Offices’ Policies and Approaches for Radon
HUD does not have a departmentwide policy for dealing with radon contamination. Instead, HUD relies on each program office to develop radon policies that align with HUD’s environmental regulations. The three program offices reviewed do not… moreRelated Recommendations
Community Planning and Development
Closed on October 31, 2022
Develop and provide training for applicable program staff, grantees, and PHAs on radon testing and mitigation requirements.
Closed on May 24, 2024
Develop and implement an effective radon policy to ensure that CPD program activities comply with the departmentwide policy on radon testing and mitigation requirements.
Closed on March 06, 2024
Update the current Multifamily radon policy to ensure that program activities comply with the departmentwide policy on radon testing and mitigation requirements.
Public and Indian Housing
Closed on March 12, 2024
Revise the current PIH radon policy to align with 24 CFR 50.3(i)(1) and 58.5(i)(2)(i).
Closed on March 12, 2024
Update the PIH radon policy to ensure that program activities comply with the departmentwide policy on radon testing and mitigation requirements.
Lead Hazard Control
Closed on April 08, 2021
Provide the MOU with EPA designed to address radon contamination.