Provide adequate documentation to support that the $71,034 spent for improperly procured goods and services was spent at the most competitive prices. For any amounts not supported, it should reimburse its program from non-Federal funds.
Publication Report
2018-KC-1004 | September 27, 2018
The Benkelman Housing Authority, Benkelman, NE, Did Not Follow HUD Rules and Regulations for Public Housing Programs Related to Procurement and Maintenance, Tenant Certifications, Laundry Machine Income, and Expenditures
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited the Benkelman Housing Authority based on a request from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General (HUD OIG), Office… moreRelated Recommendations
Public and Indian Housing
Closed on December 18, 2019
Provide adequate documentation to support $15,280 spent for maintenance activities. For any amounts not supported, it should reimburse its program from non-Federal funds.
Closed on May 21, 2019
Develop and implement detailed operating procedures, including checklists, which fully implement its procurement policy and HUD requirements.
Closed on May 21, 2019
Ensure that its executive director obtains appropriate procurement training.
Closed on July 22, 2019
Work with the Authority to develop a formalized process, such as a checklist, to use when conducting initial certifications and annual recertifications, which would help to ensure that it follows HUD requirements for its public housing program.
Closed on July 19, 2019
Require the Authority’s executive director to obtain appropriate training regarding public housing occupancy requirements.
Closed on July 22, 2019
Require the Authority to conduct a 100 percent review of its tenant files to ensure that tenants’ rents are accurate and the proper income, asset, and medical expenses are complete and documented in the tenant files.
Closed on July 22, 2019
Monitor the Authority after the recommended training and tenant file reviews are complete to ensure that the executive director understands and properly implements public housing occupancy requirements.
Closed on July 12, 2019
Require the Authority to address actual or potential conflict-of-interest relationships in its Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy.
Closed on July 12, 2019
Work with the Authority to develop a plan to ensure that a third party reviews the initial tenant certifications and annual recertifications with an actual or potential conflict of interest.
Closed on July 12, 2019
Ensure that the Authority’s board of commissioners and staff receive HUD-approved training on conflicts of interest.
Closed on July 19, 2019
Monitor the Authority to ensure that initial tenant certifications and annual recertifications with an actual or potential conflict of interest are appropriately handled.
Closed on May 21, 2019
Require the Authority to develop and implement detailed policies and procedures to address collections, tracking, and use of its laundry machine revenue.
Closed on July 12, 2019
Require the Authority to determine how much laundry machine revenue was not deposited into its accounts and used for eligible purposes and reimburse its program from non-Federal funds.
Closed on July 12, 2019
Monitor the Authority to ensure compliance with its new laundry machine revenue policies.